Ahh, home sweet home. In organizing talk, this is one very important phrase. When something has a convenient, logical, home – it means all is good with your belongings — and your mind. You know [...]
I hear many excuses from people about why they just can’t get organized. And one that rises to the top often is space — they don’t have enough of it. Having enough space to organize all you want [...]
In the 20 years that I have been doing this work I have learned a thing or two about getting organized. And I am very sure that part of the how-to in getting organized is about believing it is [...]
I have heard this mentioned to me a lot in the past year – the idea of measuring progress. After we adopted our daughter at the age of 4, the advice about how to feel good about what I was doing [...]
A few years ago, I wrote about my goal to address the hidden clutter taking up space in my office. Oh the freedom I felt after doing a great big purge, getting rid of what I didn’t need or [...]
Clutter — you can’t live happily with it [in my opinion]. You can live quite well without it. And most of us know this – intellectually. We just have a hard time actually developing the [...]
As a professional organizer, there is almost nothing I like more than helping people build healthy habits. And make sense out of chaos. Let’s face it, piles of paper, cluttered cabinets and [...]
Okay, so I know you all haven’t been waiting with bated breath for this video but…if you own a house, might downsize or sell some day, this video is something from which I really [...]
I am a bit of a neat-freak when it comes to going on vacation. I like everything in the house to be as clean as possible. And I am probably not the only one. That feeling of clean can do [...]
Coffee shops have had a significant place in the development of the work I now do. I am not even much of a coffee drinker (although I do love the taste and smell) but there is something about the [...]