Tell me if these statements resonate: I want to be clutter-free but I want to keep everything. I like my stuff. It can be hard to reconcile both things. After all, how to declutter and be [...]
Got clutter? Who doesn’t? We all fall prey to patterns that create clutter and to the suffocating effects of having too much of what doesn’t serve a purpose. When I meet with clients [...]
One amazing benefit and truth about being organized is pretty simple: when you can find what you need, when you need it, without stress and frustration, you exist in the world in a happier, [...]
I have said this many times: “Your surroundings contribute to how you feel in your space”. When you shape your dwelling, it shapes you. And because it does it is very important to [...]
“If you want to change the word start off by making your bed.” – Admiral William H. McRaven Make your bed. It is one of the best things you can do create a life you love. There are a [...]
Minimalism gets a bad rap. I say that, of course, because as a minimalist lifestyle coach and professional organizer, I have run into my fair share of neigh-sayers. I have met, worked, and spoken [...]
If you want to live a life you love you must let go. You must let go of thoughts, things, and people that don’t offer meaning, necessity, or purpose for you in and for your life. I have [...]
James Clear writes in his book Atomic Habits that every action you take is a vote for the kind of person you want to be. He was referring to building habits based on becoming that person. When I [...]
The benefits of minimalism can be hard to see sometimes. It is, after all a way of life that is often misdefined and easily misunderstood. But when you welcome minimalism into your life it [...]
The world is full of endings. Your life, actually, is sprinkled with them. You have parties and celebrations and farewells to mark the end of a year, a career, a life. All of these [...]