We say it every year — at least I do — that I love the holidays but I hate all the craziness that comes along with it. I am talking about everything from all of the traveling to all the food [...]
Got clutter? Who doesn’t? We all fall prey to patterns that create clutter and to the suffocating effects of having too much of what doesn’t serve a purpose. When I meet with clients [...]
I subscribed to a handful of carefully selected blogs that offer me ways to live simply. And I choose to read only those few because I know my limit and what I can digest. I realized early on in [...]
You’ve got stuff. We all do. And when it comes to living a life you love that “stuff” can often get in the way. It can cause you to feel overwhelmed and fatigued. It can leave [...]
The world is full of endings. Your life, actually, is sprinkled with them. You have parties and celebrations and farewells to mark the end of a year, a career, a life. All of these [...]
When it comes to living with less, knowing why you want to live that way is important. It is important mostly because the idea of living with less can sound a bit daunting, unappealing, perhaps [...]
As a professional organizer and minimalist coach for the past 20+ years I have learned a thing or two about why letting go scares people. I think the answer to why people are afraid is layered [...]
There is always more to do. Ever feel that way? That no matter how much you get done more just piles on. Sometimes, your time in spent actually spinning wheels trying to get things accomplished. [...]