Strange to say but my kind of resolution is to not make one. I know that sounds so scandalous! After all, we just ended an entire year! How else are you going to start a new one without some [...]
Truth be told, my advice on clearing clutter starts with a question. This question is the first step in the process. It is a question I ask of my clients, and of myself, when I am getting ready [...]
My mother is a very smart woman. I know they say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. While I don’t consider myself dumb, I am often in awe of my mother’s [...]
I do me. It’s my superpower. And I have learned that is really quite the superpower, a benefit for everyone, really. What, you ask, does that exactly mean? It has taken a while to figure it [...]
Coffee shops have had a significant place in the development of the work I now do. I am not even much of a coffee drinker (although I do love the taste and smell) but there is something about the [...]
There is a little story that was being passed around through email that my mother sent me years ago. The story was about leaving your worries at the door of your home – hanging them on a tree to [...]
When I first read those words in my email message from The Universe, I thought it was just a backwards way of saying, “We have setbacks and heart breaks so you might as well find something [...]
When I think about the one key component to being healthy, or getting organized, or finding happiness, I think basic. As in, the simple fundamentals. It sometimes feels that going back to the [...]
I have never met a cave person but sometimes feel like I know what it might have been like to be a cave woman. I’m pretty sure they were quite smart and balanced…and organized. They would [...]
I recently read a post about resolutions from one of my favorite bloggers, Glennon from Momastery. She is so raw and honest and reading whatever she writes about motherhood and life really [...]