My mother is a very smart woman. I know they say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. While I don’t consider myself dumb, I am often in awe of my mother’s intelligence. I’m not just talking about book smarts, here. I’m talking about how-to-live-a-happy-life smarts. They don’t teach this in school nearly enough. And yet the keys to improve your happiness and well being should be handed out freely. Luckily for me (and for you), I have a teacher on my side happy to dispense valuable life lessons and advice on living a life you love.
Below is a short email my mother sent me about gratitude, living happy, and the most powerful 60 second habit you can possibly commit to. Enjoy!
This is the most powerful 60 second habit.

The results of the study show that daily gratitude exercises result in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. Also the gratitude group experienced less depression and stress, was more likely to help others, exercised more regularly and made more progress toward personal goals.
People who feel grateful are also more likely to feel loved.
Each time we write one thing for which we are grateful, imagine it is like making a priceless deposit into our emotional bank account.
Hi Francesca,
This sounds doable! 🙂 And really struck a chord. So many times I’ve written out my frustration in my journal, when I do make an entry (in the hopes that writing it down gets it out of me–which I think it does, in part, since I never usually reread my journal), and I’ve wondered: what will people think of my life if THIS is the (only) diary of mine they read?!?! So I think I’ll start one of these “list” journals–and make sure that at the front of my other one (which I don’t write in regularly), it says–“please see my ____ (pink, red, whatever) journal for this same year–it’s about all my gratitude!!!”
hope you’re well-
Hi Cindy! Sorry to get back to you so late on your response! Hoping you are well and wishing you all the best for a happy holiday season and a healthy (and organized) new year ahead! Francesca