My best advice on clearing clutter: step one

Truth be told, my advice on clearing clutter starts with a question. This question is the first step in the process. It is a question I ask of my clients, and of myself, when I am getting ready to organize anything.

Getting your mind straight by asking this question greatly impacts how you approach the organizing task.  And it helps you make decisions.

How do I want to feel in this space?”

Asking that question makes all the difference.  And, if answered honestly, is your key to clearing the clutter more easily.

Being organized doesn’t have to be difficult. And it is never impossible.  Organization is ours for the taking; it is learned.  We choose organization.

And understanding how you want to feel in your space and your life can help you make that choice.

And I don’t mean what you want.

I want the space organized.  I want the space clean.

What I mean is how you want to feel.

I want to feel healthy, clear, motivated, and productive.

My advice on clearing clutter starts with how you want to feel because it gets at the root of what you need.  When you have a good understanding of what you need and what you will gain from all of your hard organizing work, it helps you push through the obstacles and the heartache. Those can get in our way when we attempt to lighten our load and say goodbye to our things.

Clutter gets in the way of the clarity and calm that are born from a space where flat surfaces are clear and things are in an appropriate home. 

Clutter breeds confusion, perhaps subconsciously.  And that breeds more un-wellness than anything else. Getting rid of it puts you on a path to wellness, and so does asking the question.  It forces you to feel!

best advice to clear clutter

And when you feel, and know the reasons for clearing the clutter in the first place, making decisions on what should stay and what should go is easier, quicker even.

And it feels doable. Which is powerful.

The dreaded task of lightening your load and making all of those sometimes difficult decisions is possible. All because of one.single.question.

Ask it.

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Connection with order and wellnessMy kind of resolution: not to make one