Why order is the key to unlock wellness

I don’t think many people would argue that having order in your space affects how you feel in that space, how you feel in your life.  It affects how you “do” your life.  And because of that, having order really is an important key to unlocking wellness in many aspects of life.

The road to wellness, I truly believe, is paved with organization because with more order you are more available to life and the life you want to live. If feeling good and being well are on the list of things you want achieve, well, then, having order in your living and working space should be on that list as well.

Getting there isn’t easy.  And by no means does “getting” organized mean anything is perfect or unchanging.  As a matter of fact, being organized is not only about seeing what you have and knowing you have enough, it’s about being able to assess and make decisions on what comes into your life and where it should go.  And that means everything from food, to clothes, to the cluttering thoughts that enter your mind.

I ask people all the time, “How do you feel?” And often I hear, “I’m stressed.” Or, “I’m overwhelmed!”  And that is what makes my job so challenging and rewarding.  My job is about helping people become better organized so life doesn’t feel so heavy and stressful. It’s about helping people feel well in their space and mind so they can conceive of their life and all the possibilities in a greater way. It is also about helping them see the big picture and carve out their vision, and helping them see the small picture and knowing where to start.

That “where to start” part can be kind of tricky but solving those kinds of problems is a perfect challenge for me.

When it comes to knowing what you want from life and for yourself, you have to dig.  When order is in the house {no pun intended}, finding the answers you seek becomes more apparent. Things feel clear and with clarity, ideas are born, passions grow, and motivation moves through you. Organization plays a big role in your wellness.

That is not to say that if your goal is to be healthier and eat better, and get your family along for the ride you shouldn’t focus on food.

But if you can’t find space on the counter to prepare a meal, it’s gonna be a more difficult goal to achieve.

If your goal is to be more productive at work and efficient with your tasks so you can enjoy your job more, feel good about how you do your job (which increases your esteem and overall wellness) it’s not to say you shouldn’t spend longer hours at work putting in “your time”, learning the ropes, getting a handle on everything there is to know.

But if you are constantly spinning your wheels trying to find things, and can’t easily put your finger on what you need, when you need it, your work is…more work than it needs to be.

You see where I am going with this?

Often the root cause of what stresses us and causes overwhelm is found somewhere in the physical surroundings, which in turn affects you mentally.  It seems silly but something as common as clutter really has tremendous power to confuse you and prevent you from seeing the possibility of health and wellness in your life.

Get to the root cause of what makes you feel inefficient, stressed, overwhelmed, tired, and unsatisfied/undernourished. And put more order in your living, working, eating, sleeping spaces.

It is, truly a great start to wellness.

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  • […] always been a focus of mine to help people learn about how to be well. And organization is, of course, one of those ways.  And so is imparting some wisdom about […]

  • […] in order to help others – there is no such thing. But I must be committed to my health and be on the road to wellness and order — listening to what my body and mind need, keeping up with what comes into my space — […]

  • […] can all be organized; it is learned.  We choose organization.  And understanding how you want to feel in your space and your life can help you make that […]

  • […] always been a focus of mine to help people learn about how to be well. And organization is, of course, one of those ways.  And so is imparting some wisdom about […]

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