I love to read about other people’s paths to a minimal life. What I love most about it is not hearing about how they live in 590 square foot homes or how they have only 5 articles of [...]
When it comes to getting healthy, feeling good, living life well, there is nothing better to help you get there than simplicity. Simplicity is the best wellness tool in the box. And when I say [...]
Simple is such a comforting word. And inherent in it is the idea that when simple is present, things are easy, straightforward, and uncomplicated. Those words are comforting as well. But [...]
I am a huge fan of meditating. Of slowing down the brain for even 10 minutes a day so it gets a much needed break. When I meditate my goal is to quiet things. It is to pause what is going a mile [...]
Truthfully speaking, simple has always been really important. These days it feels like the word simplify is a bit of a buzz word. Almost trendy. And for someone like me — a believer in the need [...]
I just just read a great, short email by one of my favorite bloggers Clair Diaz-Ortiz. If I am being honest, which I always am, I don’t even really remember how I found her or when I [...]
When I think about the one key component to being healthy, or getting organized, or finding happiness, I think basic. As in, the simple fundamentals. It sometimes feels that going back to the [...]
The first step to organizing anything is a bit elementary. So often the first question I hear when someone wants advice on organizing is “Where do I start?” They are surprised when [...]
Simple. [sigh] That word is pure joy to me. Just the sound of it evokes a happy feeling and says that things are clear, to-the-point, easy. Who doesn’t want things to be easy? In this day [...]