Ahh, minimalism. It really does get a bad wrap and can sound pa-rit-ty scary. But as you will see here, it really doesn’t have to be. I can tell you this for sure, minimalism is a very [...]
Here’s something to think about: achieving success does not have to be a huge undertaking. Yes, it can feel overwhelming. But whether lightening your load, or making progress with a [...]
It feels a little bit like the walls are caving in. Because of this pandemic I have been home now for weeks – as I am sure you have, too – relying on Face time and letters (yes, I [...]
When I was deciding on a tag line, almost five years ago, for this new iteration of my business (aka when I became FrancescaVerri.com), I toyed with quite a few words to help describe what I [...]
Done is one of the best four-letter words out there. And this is coming from someone who loves using a few other four-letter words to express myself fully. Sometimes, they just feel satisfying to [...]
Truth be told, the truth doesn’t have to hurt all the time. But when it comes to talking about health and wellness, and why were aren’t necessarily healthy and well, hearing the truth delivers [...]
In my 20+ years of doing holistic lifestyle work, I have realized that feeling good comes in many ways. It comes from strong relationships, a fulfilling job, and a connection with others. It also [...]
I was 38 years old when I married Bob – the love of my life. And I was 40 when I was told by a medical doctor that having a biological baby was not likely going to happen for us. While I [...]
This might sound familiar: you declutter after the holidays or for spring cleaning, or because you are just so overwhelmed with all of your crap. You lighten your spaces and make many trips to [...]
In all the organizing jobs I have done over the past 17 years, there has never been one where clutter isn’t present. And there has never been one where removing that clutter hasn’t [...]