You want to be on time, more efficient, less stressed, able to enjoy “the moment” more? You aren’t alone. So many people strive for these things. The best way to achieve that is through [...]
The reason you struggle to declutter is layered. Connecting with your clutter will put you on a more open path to creating a lighter, happier life you love. I have seen my fair share of clutter. [...]
Got clutter? Who doesn’t? We all fall prey to patterns that create clutter and to the suffocating effects of having too much of what doesn’t serve a purpose. When I meet with clients [...]
“If you want to change the word start off by making your bed.” – Admiral William H. McRaven Make your bed. It is one of the best things you can do create a life you love. There are a [...]
You might think much time is needed to tackle your most cluttered spaces. You might even think the task is too difficult to do. Clutter does that. By definition, clutter is confused or disordered [...]
Decluttering comes with many benefits but achieving a clutter-free home isn’t always easy. Sometimes the lack of ease comes from just not knowing how to do the work, or where to start. Many times [...]
I love what I do for work sorting through all kinds of clutter. Many people look at me a little strangely when I tell them this. And I suppose it does seem a little odd to have a love for working [...]
I never set out to be a minimalist per se. Yes, as a professional organizer it would seem that minimalism would be part of the gig. And while it is my go-to solution for any problem it [...]
It’s the ding that really gets me. My husband and I are sitting out on the porch in an almost-fall-like morning, sipping a cup of coffee when I hear it. The ding of an incoming message [...]
You’ve got stuff. We all do. And when it comes to living a life you love that “stuff” can often get in the way. It can cause you to feel overwhelmed and fatigued. It can leave [...]