One very big reason you struggle to declutter

The reason you struggle to declutter is layered. Connecting with your clutter will put you on a more open path to creating a lighter, happier life you love.

I have seen my fair share of clutter. I have seen the kind of clutter that is obvious and that requires a trash bag and some cleaning supplies to eliminate it from your home. And the kind of clutter resulting from indecision, not putting things away, or having too much excess.

I have also seen the clutter symptomatic of a larger, deeper problem.

There is an internal reason why you clutter.

And that internal reason is often why you keep more than you need, buy more than you will use, and shift around from room to room more stuff than you deem meaningful.

All of the unmade decisions and unfinished projects that litter your flat surfaces, and the stuffed spaces and unsystematic areas of your home speak to something deeper. They speak to a bigger reason why you can’t quiet the noise and eliminate the thoughts and things that overwhelm you…and your space.

Owning too much stuff can be stressful, and no one wants to live in a cluttered home.

But clutter in and of itself is rarely the problem.

Instead, it’s a symptom of a deeper emotion that everyone experiences.

The big reason you struggle to declutter is fear.

You hold onto things too long because you are scared.

You fear how to let go, who you will hurt if you make the bold decision to let go, and who you will become when the space around you is lighter.

In fact, who you will become is often overlooked. But knowing yourself, on a deep and thorough level cannot be understated. It is the catalyst to creating your life well and living it with impact and love.

When you decide to declutter, you have an idea of what your life will look like. In fact, it is a good practice to create a vision. It is good to have a sense of what it is you want to see in your space. But you don’t expect that all of the digging to let go of what no longer serves you will change you – for the better.

And it is for the better.

When you finally and courageously let go of what is heavy, taxing, stressful, unnecessary, and scary you can’t help but morph into who you need to be.

When you uncover the burden of clutter you reveal yourself.

The problem is, this internal fear of the unknown gets subconsciously attached to the items that you are cluttering your space. And it prevents you from seeing clearly whether these items deserve a space in your place.

Here is the solution to this problem.

The solution lies in having a better understanding of what you want and simultaneously working to detach seeming worth from things that have no meaning or purpose. Put another way, the internal reason you hold onto things is rarely because that item contributes to your current well-being. And when you are clear in what you want, and how you want to feel (free, clear, on time, impactful) you will be able to decipher what you like, need, and use.

To do this efficiently you must get to the root cause of your emotional clutter.

When you fully understand this you can stop nourishing that root and get to the business of nourishing yourself.

That means more digging. And that is the scariest part of letting go. It is looking into not only the why you want to be clutter free. But looking at how you got there so you can stop it from happening.

Many people mistakenly often view the act of decluttering solely as a physical process. But to declutter thoroughly and permanently, it is important for you to do the work to determine why clutter accumulated.

You must do the work to learn about what your clutter looks like. And learn what you want your life moving forward to look like.

I know how emotionally difficult this process is. I have had to do this work for myself to let go of the cluttering limiting beliefs and triggering thoughts that reared themselves when I became a mother. And I have helped countless clients do this work with their mental and physical clutter.

What I have found in facing the clutter head on is that while painful at times, it is freeing. Digging into the fear is transformative. And the transformation yields more space and spaces that positively affect your life on every level.

The more space, the more opportunity to live un-apologetically and with intention.

And that is why I created The Mental Warmup worksheet to help you do the digging. This mental warmup process is an important precursory step. I am positive will help you do the unseen work, the internal digging, and open you up to make decisions and let go with ease.

By thoughtfully answering this nine-question worksheet you will get the answers you need to start the process of getting out from under your clutter.

You will uncover all the answers that you have buried inside and that have held you back from letting go.
If your clutter feels messy, complicated, and heavy, this worksheet will lift the weight and get you on the path to living clutter free.

You deserve the life-affirming transformation you gain when you dig in and connect to your clutter. It is the key to letting go.

And is the solution to discovering the life that is ready to bloom.


Need help further paving your path to living clutter free?

Talk to me! I love to solve problems that make your head feel heavy.

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decluttering methods: Source: wallpapercave.comdecluttering methods: Source: