My mother is a very smart woman. I know they say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. While I don’t consider myself dumb, I am often in awe of my mother’s [...]
We moved to a fairly large house 11 years ago. When I say large, I don’t mean gargantuan. But it is bigger than where my husband and I each previously lived. There are more cabinets in the [...]
Talk about a buzz word! Balance is one of those words you hear often, by just about everyone, as an integral tool toward becoming healthy. I suppose there is truth that in attaining a sense of [...]
I *might* get some backlash with this post – especially from people who love Halloween. Or candy. Or who think this “only once a year” opportunity to eat candy is just one way “kids get to be [...]
Staying clutter free and living light is really is all about good ‘ole arithmetic – easy as 1, 2, 3. And by arithmetic I mean aiming to keep things at zero, level ground, even-steven. Of [...]
Miscellaneous. That word sends shivers up my spine. In the world of organizing we often say it is best to be specific in how you label files or things you’ve contained in bins. We avoid using [...]
Keeping track of paper can be maddening! Even in this day of “paperless” there is no escaping paper coming into your space. But there is a great tool that can help you keep the [...]
I have a passion for organizing offices. Sure, I get excited to organize chaos in any area of a house and yes, I’ve been called crazy because of it. But organizing offices really blows my skirt [...]
Let me be clear, I am not writing this to get into a debate about whether eating meat is “evil” – as some put it – and bad for the environment or our health – unless the debate is a healthy one [...]
Ahh, home sweet home. In organizing talk, this is one very important phrase. When something has a convenient, logical, home – it means all is good with your belongings — and your mind. You know [...]