This might sound familiar: you declutter after the holidays or for spring cleaning, or because you are just so overwhelmed with all of your crap. You lighten your spaces and make many trips to [...]
In all the organizing jobs I have done over the past 17 years, there has never been one where clutter isn’t present. And there has never been one where removing that clutter hasn’t [...]
Amazon Prime is my jam! I adore being able to buy with one click the many pantry items I can get much cheaper on And to get them in 2 days, well, that often feels like a blessing. I [...]
Of all the work I have done over the past 17 years helping people organizing their time, mind, and space, one thing I have not done well: take before and after pictures of my work! Lately, I have [...]
By now, hopefully, you’ve had some time to think about Tenet 1 in obtaining an organized office. You’ve thought about how you want your office to look. And you’ve looked at pictures and [...]
I see this all the time: folks trying to run a business, or manage a household without a proper, organized space in which to do so. They might be able to get by for a short time, but in the long [...]
You have heard the saying “you are what you eat”. When you think about how food really does create you, how it becomes your cells — your hair, your organs, your blood — that statement really [...]
Simple is such a comforting word. And inherent in it is the idea that when simple is present, things are easy, straightforward, and uncomplicated. Those words are comforting as well. But [...]
As March comes to an end I can almost hear deep sighs of dread for the upcoming and often unappealing tax time. April 15 is right around the corner. And it gets a bad a rap all because of the [...]
I am a huge fan of meditating. Of slowing down the brain for even 10 minutes a day so it gets a much needed break. When I meditate my goal is to quiet things. It is to pause what is going a mile [...]