If you’ve worked with me to organize your time, mind or space, this blog will not come as a surprise. Or maybe it will, because the concept I suggest can be difficult to grasp all the time. So [...]
There is a little story that was being passed around through email that my mother sent me years ago. The story was about leaving your worries at the door of your home – hanging them on a tree to [...]
Do people really stay organized after you leave? Oh do I hear that question a lot. Not often do I hear it from potential or actual clients. Although the people that ask are probably curious if [...]
Paperwork, of any kind, can be messy. Figuring it out can feel daunting. I don’t know many people who would disagree with me. I love to dig into disorder and make sense of it all, and [...]
As a professional organizer for the past 20+ years, I have come to expect to hear certain words and phrases from clients as we start the purging process and the work of lightening their load. [...]
We all know when we don’t tidy up, or clear clutter we run the risk of allowing more clutter to grow. And if untreated will lead to the overwhelm that is created by disorder. Most of us [...]
I recently wrote about the importance of being tidy – even if you have some disorganization in your home. As I wrote it, I was reminded of the areas where I have pockets of disorder in my [...]
As tidy as my home is, there are more than a few areas that need to be organized. Which might seem odd. One might think the house being tidy would mean it is organized. Not necessarily. The [...]
I have never met a cave person but sometimes feel like I know what it might have been like to be a cave woman. I’m pretty sure they were quite smart and balanced…and organized. They would [...]
I have heard people jokingly say that sanity is so overrated. That to feel sane means you are too tight, not relaxed enough. That you perhaps put too much effort on things running… [...]