You want to be on time, more efficient, less stressed, able to enjoy “the moment” more? You aren’t alone. So many people strive for these things. The best way to achieve that is through [...]
I have never heard anyone say to me after working to get organized that being organized wasn’t worth it. No one has ever said that the work they put in didn’t yield results beyond [...]
There is always more to do. Ever feel that way? That no matter how much you get done more just piles on. Sometimes, your time in spent actually spinning wheels trying to get things accomplished. [...]
Listening to the messages your body sends out isn’t always easy. It’s not that you aren’t able to hear the messages. You are more than able. The difficulty is in actually paying [...]
I am a huge fan of meditating. Of slowing down the brain for even 10 minutes a day so it gets a much needed break. When I meditate my goal is to quiet things. It is to pause what is going a mile [...]
When I think about the one key component to being healthy, or getting organized, or finding happiness, I think basic. As in, the simple fundamentals. It sometimes feels that going back to the [...]
I have never met a cave person but sometimes feel like I know what it might have been like to be a cave woman. I’m pretty sure they were quite smart and balanced…and organized. They would [...]
I have heard people jokingly say that sanity is so overrated. That to feel sane means you are too tight, not relaxed enough. That you perhaps put too much effort on things running… [...]
I used to think I couldn’t call myself a minimalist. That because I own “stuff” I would have to label myself as like a minimalist-in-progress. But now I am starting to think [...]
I mean why not? Yes it is a drug, that is addictive, and detrimental. Sure, it is a toxic substance and it would seem a travesty to allow it into our bodies – legally. And of course, it [...]