As a culture, we sure are suffocated by stuff. We buy bigger homes, that we fill with stuff. We buy more clothes, and toys, and gadgets – and put ourselves into more debt because of it. [...]
I’m going to make a bold statement here – although to some of you it might seem not-so-out-of-the-ordinary: finding the simple, most direct way is key to less stress in solving a [...]
I have been working as a professional organizer for over 20 years. One might argue that as a professional organizer, helping people feel good by lightening their physical and mental loads is a [...]
In all the organizing jobs I have done over the past 17 years, there has never been one where clutter isn’t present. And there has never been one where removing that clutter hasn’t [...]
I recently wrote about the importance of being tidy – even if you have some disorganization in your home. As I wrote it, I was reminded of the areas where I have pockets of disorder in my [...]