I hear people tell me all the time that they feel as though they have lost control. They tell me their days are packed and yet nothing gets done. Their time is spent spinning their wheels. [...]
Done is one of the best four-letter words out there. And this is coming from someone who loves using a few other four-letter words to express myself fully. Sometimes, they just feel satisfying to [...]
Decluttering is not a fun sounding word. At least not for most people. For many it sounds like you are being put into detention, being forced to do something that you really don’t want to [...]
I love to read about other people’s paths to a minimal life. What I love most about it is not hearing about how they live in 590 square foot homes or how they have only 5 articles of [...]
I have been working as a professional organizer for over 20 years. One might argue that as a professional organizer, helping people feel good by lightening their physical and mental loads is a [...]
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” -Zig Ziglar One of the things I hear most from people is that they never seem to be able to get things done on their To Do list, or the things they said [...]
In my 20+ years of doing holistic lifestyle work, I have realized that feeling good comes in many ways. It comes from strong relationships, a fulfilling job, and a connection with others. It also [...]
As a professional organizer and a lifestyle coach, I am often offering advice not just on how to organize but how to think about the life you want to live – the person you want to be daily. [...]
I am asked often about how I stay organized. One of the tips I give is that I tidy up every day. I make sure that when something is used, it gets put away. It is the most basic way to stay [...]
I was 38 years old when I married Bob – the love of my life. And I was 40 when I was told by a medical doctor that having a biological baby was not likely going to happen for us. While I [...]