There are some tell-tale signs that you need to do some minimizing and organizing. And they usually revolve around what you can’t find or can’t do easily in your space. Or in your [...]
It is the end of the year. Again. And with it, you might find yourself saying the same things you did just twelve months ago. Making promises to change and do things differently for next year. [...]
Here is what I know for sure: Minimal makes meaning. I’m also sure that in order to live a life you love you have to actually be aware and conscious of how and why you are living life the [...]
There is always something that gets in the way of us experiencing delight and joy in our lives, daily. It is part of life, actually, to be bothered by things that are often out of our control. [...]
Until recently, I didn’t know how scared my clients were to purge. They are afraid not for obvious reasons. I mean, everyone feels a little scared to purge. You are letting go, and in [...]
Ahh, decluttering. It is definitely not an appealing task for most people. And it is a necessary one if you want to live an intentional life with less stress and frustration. There are many [...]
Getting and staying organized does not have to be a difficult feat. I know reading that might make it seem as though I am negating some of the struggle you have with what can often be a large [...]
As a culture, we sure are suffocated by stuff. We buy bigger homes, that we fill with stuff. We buy more clothes, and toys, and gadgets – and put ourselves into more debt because of it. [...]
I recently read a great article in The Atlantic by Arthur C. Brooks titled “A Once-in-a-Lifetime Chance to Start Over”. He is, of course, talking about re-entering life post [...]