Looking for a simpler life? Well, I have a simple solution to help you attain it. But it involves some work on your end. {Sorry, but I never said simple was going to be easy} In order to attain [...]
Summer is fabulous. Not many will disagree. And by the time fall comes it can be a bit difficult to get back on track and in the swing of things. It isn’t always appealing to fall into [...]
Oh for the love of God do we – and I mean all of us collectively – have too much stuff. This is not new news. In fact, it is often in the news. According to nbc.com the average home [...]
The word “declutter” has very negative connotations. And it makes sense why. The word itself means to literally let go of stuff – your stuff. And that act alone can be [...]
My great-grandmother bequeathed her set of pink floral china to my sister. She died when my sister was a young teenager and I am pretty sure assumed that one day my sister would find that the [...]
Here is what I know: if we don’t unplug, disconnect, let go consciously and consistently our health will be negatively affected. As a professional organizer I have learned that when you let [...]
Ahh, decluttering. It is definitely not an appealing task for most people. And it is a necessary one if you want to live an intentional life with less stress and frustration. There are many [...]
As a culture, we sure are suffocated by stuff. We buy bigger homes, that we fill with stuff. We buy more clothes, and toys, and gadgets – and put ourselves into more debt because of it. [...]
Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism is one of the most important books of our time. I realize that is a big statement and I stick by it. It is one of the best books I have read about [...]
Here is what I know: Clutter can be suffocating. Decluttering, on the other hand, is freeing. All of that letting go, lightening your load to remove “stuff” from your space that no longer serves [...]