Getting and staying organized does not have to be a difficult feat. I know reading that might make it seem as though I am negating some of the struggle you have with what can often be a large [...]
As a culture, we sure are suffocated by stuff. We buy bigger homes, that we fill with stuff. We buy more clothes, and toys, and gadgets – and put ourselves into more debt because of it. [...]
I recently read a great article in The Atlantic by Arthur C. Brooks titled “A Once-in-a-Lifetime Chance to Start Over”. He is, of course, talking about re-entering life post [...]
Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism is one of the most important books of our time. I realize that is a big statement and I stick by it. It is one of the best books I have read about [...]
Here is what I know: Clutter can be suffocating. Decluttering, on the other hand, is freeing. All of that letting go, lightening your load to remove “stuff” from your space that no longer serves [...]
I had a friend once tell me that she could never be a minimalist; she didn’t see the value in minimalism. She liked colors, owning things, and having those things out and around her too [...]
If you want to create a life you love you must include more of the things that make you feel more fulfilled, free, confident. And purge your life of the things that don’t help you feel [...]
Ahh, minimalism. It really does get a bad wrap and can sound pa-rit-ty scary. But as you will see here, it really doesn’t have to be. I can tell you this for sure, minimalism is a very [...]
Boy has it been fun getting back into the TV studio to record videos. I have to admit Bob and I are still playing around a bit with what works best in terms of lighting and music and scripts but [...]