Why now isn’t the only time to change

This is not your run-of-the-mill post about resolutions. If you are expecting me to write about how now is your window of time to make a change, you can stop reading here.

Now is always a good time to make a change. But the pressure we put on ourselves in December and January to make resolutions feels ineffective.

It is too inauthentic.

I have written before that that I am not much of a fan resolutions in this way; and frankly, I am not much of a fan of this time of year. It seems the advice is riddled with insistence to give a good think about how to make your life “right”. It overlooks the fact that where are you is right enough.

In fact, noting and accepting where you are, and getting clear on the changes you want to make is quite authentic.

It is authenticity at it’s best!

And that is where the best change occurs. When we are authentic with who we are, where we are, and what we really want for our life, the most important growth occurs.

Change and growth take time.  Growth is all about that delicate balance between staying present in the moment, while looking to the shore and rowing for it. And it is about taking the time to really know what you are rowing for, and why.

With all the hype around the new year, it is a great time to start rowing for the shore. To do that you must cast your sites outward toward the life you want to live, all the while keeping your feet firmly planted in the now.

But remember:  how you create your life is not an all-at-once kind of change.

You will actually reach those goals more thoroughly if you slow down and let the creation of you happen as you go. No need to rush it. No need to feel pressured by a resolution now.

Set your goals. Give thought to who you want to be. Creating your life — determining what it is you want to do and be and feel is all about the gradual building.

It is where the sustainable change comes.

Why now isn't the only time to change: gradual is the way to go

Here’s to your best year yet.

May it be filled with consistent discovery and growth.

Here’s wishing you always welcome in change and the good it can bring. That you always find ways to be thankful that your life is good enough, exactly as it is.

And may you remember that you have the ability – always – to create a life you love.


Need help creating your life in 2020?  Contact me for your free 30 minute phone consultation so we can get you started!

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