Getting and staying organized does not have to be a difficult feat. I know reading that might make it seem as though I am negating some of the struggle you have with what can often be a large [...]
Here is what I know: Clutter can be suffocating. Decluttering, on the other hand, is freeing. All of that letting go, lightening your load to remove “stuff” from your space that no longer serves [...]
If you want to create a life you love you must include more of the things that make you feel more fulfilled, free, confident. And purge your life of the things that don’t help you feel [...]
Ahh, minimalism. It really does get a bad wrap and can sound pa-rit-ty scary. But as you will see here, it really doesn’t have to be. I can tell you this for sure, minimalism is a very [...]
You want to be on time, more efficient, less stressed, able to enjoy “the moment” more? You aren’t alone. So many people strive for these things. The best way to achieve that is through [...]
The process of decluttering is not always easy. Or intuitive. Sometimes it takes a lot of questioning to really get to the answer you seek about a particular possession. Often, the question you [...]
We all carry things we don’t need – physically and mentally. And I think you know as well as I do that carrying things that weigh you down affects mood. It can make life feel heavy [...]
I’m going to make a bold statement here – although to some of you it might seem not-so-out-of-the-ordinary: finding the simple, most direct way is key to less stress in solving a [...]
I am going to make a bold statement here about clutter. More often than not what helps clutter grow and makes it comfortable in your home are systems that just don’t work. This is not to [...]
I hear people tell me all the time that they feel as though they have lost control. They tell me their days are packed and yet nothing gets done. Their time is spent spinning their wheels. [...]