The key component to feeling good, and doing good

In my 20+ years of doing holistic lifestyle work, I have realized that feeling good comes in many ways. It comes from strong relationships, a fulfilling job, and a connection with others. It also comes in the form of satisfaction you feel when you have been on a consistent workout routine or healthy eating regimen. These all lead to feeling good – mentally and physically.

I believe deep in my core that when you feel good mentally and physically you do more.

When you are happy, fit, content, conscious, and clear, you feel good about yourself. This feel-good gives you more of a desire to help others, to be kind, and to do your very best in your personal and professional life.

That kind of “doing” makes the world a better place. Period.

There is one key component to feeling good: being organized.

As a professional organizer, I have learned that having order in your living and working spaces is the key to making feeling good a reality.

With order your mind is clear. You can see what you have, and what you have to do more easily.

Organization allows openness in your space and mind.

It means you are keeping and storing – whether in your head or your home – purposeful items in a way that makes sense to you. And in doing so, you clear the path to doing what you need to be healthy, and feel good.

With order you feel better about yourself. You can complete tasks more efficiently leaving you with a sense of accomplishment – pride even.

When you are organized you feel better physically in your space because you can move through it easily. And you feel better mentally because with organization you use your time wisely. That means you can make room for important health initiatives like cooking, working out, meditating, and connecting with others.

Organization contributes greatly to how you view “getting” healthy and feeling good. And because of the calm and quiet that organization brings it contributes to you doing the work to be healthy.

Health and well-being in all areas of your life become infinitely easier to obtain when your physical and mental space is organized.

My years of experience tell me organization is the first stop on the road to wellness.

To be clear, organization is not just the different kinds of systems or supplies that could help you breathe better in your space. But importantly, what that ability to breathe creates. And how that leaves you feeling.

With organization you feel lightness, calm, less stress, more productivity, happiness and fulfillment.

In this way, organization helps bring about a sense of purpose in your life.


feeling good

I feel confident in the power of organization, of knowing what you have and realizing you have enough. It is what is all about – providing you with a place to find information, programs, and resources to help you breathe easier, and live more simply, with purpose and intention. It is all part of teaching you how to “create a life you love”, and motivating you to work towards an awakened sense of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being in your self and space, with your time and mind.  All so you can create a purposeful life, and feel good.  And therefore do good.

We need more good.  We need more people on top of their game, conscious and authentic, living life lite and with intention. Organization is the key to unlocking your ability to be all of that and more.
Watch and learn more!

  • Rosemary Verri

    I love that. Good job!

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