5 things to encourage a fulfilling new year

As we round up the final weeks of this year, it is good to take a look at what will make the next more fulfilling. I know that when I feel purposeful and am an active participant in my life, I feel better. I am grateful that what I do has meaning.

Here are some ways you can close out this year with a bang. And start the next with more purpose.

1. Let go.

There is a lot you can let go of as we approach the new year and especially as we enter it. Aside from the physical things you don’t like, need and use, consider, as well, letting go of the things that hold you back mentally. Let go of comparison, jealousy, negativity, hate, and any feelings that you are no enough. You are more than enough.

2. Conquer your clutter.

Once and for all, clear your space of the things that make it feel stuffed and you feel overwhelmed and unproductive. You deserve to experience the full range of meaning that is offered your life when you make decisions to keep what serves a purpose and discard what does not. It can feel like a daunting task – albeit necessary. Seek out help: read a book on the subject, ask a friend for assistance in sorting and purging, hire a professional, in person or remotely, to help guide and support you in doing what makes your head hurt. Make the choice to conquer the clutter and start living with more freedom, clarity and calm.

3. Get your voice out there.

Maybe now is the time you started that blog about how to bake healthy goods, or do a podcast on everything anyone wanted to know about crafting. Maybe you want to start a side gig doing something you love, get a part time job as an entrepreneur so you can make a little extra cash and/or meet more like-minded people. Make the year to come be the year you step out of your comfort zone and try something different. Do something different for yourself. That act alone will make life feel more fulfilling.

4. Take care.

Speaking of doing something for yourself, taking good care of yourself is so very important, especially if you want to start and end 2021 feeling healthy. Self care comes in the form of adequate sleep, eating real food, finding time to reset, meditate, slow.down, and doing fun things every week, for yourself and with yourself. Julia Cameron calls it an artist date – taking yourself out on a date that is all about fun and being carefree. I call it a necessity.

5. Find your tribe – and keep them close.

Who are the people that add fun and happiness to your life? Who keeps you honest, supports you in challenging times, and challenges you when you need it most? If living a life you love – one that is simple and fulfilling – is what you seek, seek out those who are like-minded. In all, find the people that make you feel alive and carve out time to spend with them. When you feel alive, you make more meaning out of what is in your life.

Think about what matters most to you and make a plan to start saying yes to those things, and no to everything else that distracts you from them. That commitment alone will leave you feeling lighter, and fulfilled for the new year – and for everything that follows.

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