3 ways to consciously clear clutter

We all know when we don’t tidy up, or clear clutter we run the risk of allowing more clutter to grow. And if untreated will lead to the overwhelm that is created by disorder.

Most of us don’t live alone, or with no contact to the outside world. We have other people’s stuff to contend with, social media to keep us wanting more, and Amazon to help us get things – quickly.

It’s no wonder we are saddled with so much clutter. And no wonder it has become more and more important to clear clutter from your space. But it is not just about decluttering.

 To actively create order in your space you need to be conscious.

That sounds funny but in fact we do a lot of ignoring in our day to day of what comes in.  You don’t decide quickly, if at all, whether what comes in is really liked or needed, or where it should be housed best in your living and working spaces. And because of it you have a harder time tidying up, and do a great job at breeding clutter.

To be conscious is to not only be more aware of what you have in your space but to embrace the fact that the idea of decluttering the space – removing and discarding the unnecessary – is not something you are supposed to do once.

Decluttering is a conscious decision about how you want to live your life that you apply daily.

Life is too fluid and filled with too many opportunities to bring in stuff – physically into our space and mentally into our mind. So we must recognize this fluidity and be conscious of the need, consistently, to clear clutter — clean out the cobwebs, dust off the brain, toss out the unnecessary that is clogging our pathways to do more, and think and be better.

Embrace the need to apply more consciousness to clutter.

Do these three things to consciously clear clutter in your home:

1. Toss obvious trash daily.

This doesn’t only mean trash in the traditional sense. This means anything you put your hands on that you know doesn’t serve you, isn’t needed, has run its course.  Paper, in particular, tends to sit for long periods of time. And we let it pile up until it feels too overwhelming to address. So many flyers and coupons and correspondences can easily, and quickly, be recycled.  Which continuously helps to lighten the visual clutter load.

2. Make your decisions more quickly.

This doesn’t mean you can’t take time to decide if you really like, need or will use the vase you got at your wedding from Aunt Peg who you hardly ever see. It means you need to be more conscious of the time you give yourself to make such decisions. Many people tend to let fear hold them back from paying attention to how something really makes them feel. So instead you suppress those feelings. The idea that you could even consider giving away something from Aunt Peg – regardless of how much you don’t like it – feels wrong. Preposterous even.

Trust your gut. Be aware of the fear. And where you can, aim to decide swiftly.

3. Be aware of the invisible.

The items in your home that have been ignored and now seem to blend in and almost seem invisible need attention. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Make a plan to walk through the house, or one room, and identify those items you don’t care much for. Clearing this kind of clutter opens up the space physically, and mentally gives you more room to breathe.

After all, if items are blending in and not standing out, perhaps they are not helping add beauty to your space and your life.

Decluttering is not something you do once. It’s a conscious decision about how you want to live your life.

Do it as much as is needed.

With enough practice it becomes a beneficial life habit that will positively affect how you function daily.


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