Read it here: The connection between order and wellness

I was interviewed, recently, on a local cable station for their monthly real estate show featuring the connection between order and wellness. It was fabulous being back in a TV studio. And it brought back memories of doing my own cable show back in the day.  A lot has changed, that is for sure, but the feeling of sitting and talking – on camera – hasn’t changed one bit!

When I was asked if I would do this I didn’t have to give any thought to my answer.  And when I saw the sample questions from the host and all the areas she wanted to delve into, I knew saying “yes” was the right thing.  This was not going to be just some show about how to declutter your home and why you shouldn’t wait to do it before you downsize or move. This was going a bit deeper than that.

And I was happy to go deeper.

Getting organized is more than just tossing things. It is not something you do just once, either. It is a chosen way of life and something that needs to be kept up with.  If you do it thoroughly — purge so you get to the point where what you own is what you use, like, and need, build systems, and tidy up daily, staying organized becomes easier. It becomes a habit and your preferred way of living.

Imagine that?  Being organized can be your MO!

It can really be something that is second nature.  As long as you choose it. Organization is not about perfection. And it is not a skill only known by a few. It is learned so if you want to be organized, you can choose to be organized.

When you willingly choose it,  you start learn to spend your time differently. You accommodate for the need to purge and get organized, or you hire someone to create the plan of action and motivate you to do it. Either way, it comes from your desire to be well.

And that makes all the difference in how you create habits to fulfill that desire.

There is a true connection with order and wellness.  It is a strong belief of mine. Having order in living and working spaces doesn’t mean things are perfect. Having order just helps you live on purpose despite setbacks or imperfections. It affords you the ability to reach goals, make healthy choices, and live lighter, and with less stress.

And you deserve that!

Here is how I described the connection between order and wellness:

Organization is the tie that binds all wellness opportunities together. On a basic level, when you have what you need and can find it easily and often you are less stressed. And that in itself is a huge step to feeling well.  And on a more holistic level, when you have a good ratio of what I call Primary Foods in your life (family, career, spirituality, relationships), along with a healthy diet your overall wellness improves. Organization makes this less stressful, and more consistently achievable. With organization, you can more easily able to make lifestyle changes to feel and live well, and that makes you more available to life, and the life you want to live. Organization connects you to wellness.”

The connection between order and wellness is big.  And important.  And my hope continues to be that people see it as such and do what is necessary to continue to find well-being and happiness by getting organized.

What do you think about this idea that order is connected to achieving wellness? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!


If you want to declutter your life and set up organizational systems so you can embrace healthy living endeavors with ease Conquer Your Clutter and Live an Intentional Life is for you! It was designed with the busy person in mind who is tired of feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled and ready to create space and spaces that will positively affect your life on every level.  Learn more 👇🏼

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